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mixed media 1.藝術的混合效應法〔如表演、彩色燈光、錄音帶等多種手段...


On the basis of a united mixed media model including porous medium , equivalent continuum fracture medium and discrete fracture medium , the seepage parameter inverse problem about fracture rock masses is studied systematically and some effective measures are presented to decrease the ill - posed property and improve the reliability of parameter identification . the indirect method widely used in parameter identification fields is applied to solve the seepage parameter inverse problem 在此基礎上,本文采用包容多孔介質、多裂隙介質及離散裂隙介質的統一域混合模型,利用目前參數反演領域應用最為廣泛的間接法,首先針對裂隙巖體滲流場單場參數反問題進行了深入研究,主要目的是改善參數反問題的適定性以提高參數反演的可靠程度。

We must not forget cocteau s aesthetic sense in fashion design - so we have henry lau designing two costumes which should fit nicely with sculptor ho siu - kee and mixed media artist wu wing - yee s 3 - d art pieces 高克多的還有漫畫家黎達達榮、雕塑家何兆基、混合媒體創作人胡詠儀和時裝設計師henrylau ,分別以平面及立體的作品來再看尚

Several key factors , ultrasonic dispersion , water / organic solvent mixing medium , surfactant , were used and adjusted in order to obtain composite particles with better monodispersity and less organic impurities 在有機介質加入量較小的情況下,極性較小的丙酮更有利于合成單分散性好、粒徑小的磁性復合微球。

Quilting arts covers the latest techniques in art quilting , embellished quilting , wearable arts , mixed media , surface design , and other textile arts 此雜志專門介紹拼布被藝術、拼布之美化、拼布之設計,以及其他各種紡織品藝術的最新技巧。

An introduction to various printing types : intaglio , relief printing , planography , serigraphy and mixed media printing approx 介紹多種版畫的制作方法,分別為凹版凸版平版孔版及綜合版。

A demonstration by lau shuk - fan on the use of mixed media in printmaking ( approx 記錄劉淑芬利用拼貼方法制作版畫的過程。 (約30分鐘)

A demonstration by lau shuk - fan on the use of mixed media in printmaking approx 記錄劉淑芬利用拼貼方法制作版畫的過程。

We know that you print long - run jobs and jobs using mixed media 我們知道您需要印刷大型作業和使用混合介質的作業。

Mixed media print by lau shuk - fan 劉淑芬的綜合版畫

The use of mixed media in watercolor 淺談綜合材料在水彩畫創作中的運用